SHINee World Date #1

Disini ada beberapa Shawol dari beberapa negara yang beruntung adapat ng-date bareng JongKey  #huhuhu  termasuk Shawol Indonesia yang saya lupa namanya. Mian kalau fotonya cuma sedikit, dan ga jelas. hehehe
Key oppa lagi main tenis meja

ini kayanya pada lagi dance, tapi ga tau ng-dance apa #hehehe

Yang sama jjong itu Shawol Filipina #kalaugaksalah

OMO !! jjong oppa !!

jjong tem VS key team !!

jjong & key oppa


Story Telling : The Frog and His Voice

            Good afternoon, friend. I want to tell you about The Frog and The Thunder . Frist, I want to introduce my self, my name is Ying Xin a student of Social 2. Please, listen to me.
THE FROG and His Voice
Long time ago there was a little frog.  He lived in a little pond.  Near the pond there  a tall tree.  The little frog was very happy.
        The little frog had a verylong tail.  He loved his tail.  When he looked at it he sang a song.  He thought it was the best tail in the world.
        The little frog grew bigger.  His tail grew longer.  His songs got louder.  All the birds came to sit in the tall tree, and hear him.  They sang songs too, about his lovely tail.
        One day the little frog said to himself, "I am the only frog in this pond.  I sing songs; the birds come to hear me.  I have a beautiful tail.  I am the greatest frog in the world."
        Then he stood up, and he said, "Listen to me, you, birds and you, fishes.  From today, and for always, you can  call me King Frog!"
        The little frog liked his new name.  He thought it was the best name of all. 

            This is the end of my story from my story we can conclude that there are some moral values is we should be grateful with what we have and  do not boast about yourself Thank you very much for your attention and see you on order occasion.

Pawartos Lelayu ( Surat Lelayu )


Mugi Katur Bapak/Ibu/Sederek……………..
Wonten ing…………………………………..
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Innalillahi Wainna ilaihi roji’un
Sampun kapundut wangsul wonten Ngarsa Dalem Gusti Ingkang Maha Kuasa kanti tentrem ingging panjenenganipun         :
            Asma               : Bapak Parto Wiyono
            Yuswo             : 72 tahun
            Dinten             : Rabu Pahing
            Suryo               : 20 Juni 2000
            Wanci              : 15.00 WIB
Wonten           : Dalem Dukito Seyegan Sleman.
Wondene upacara hangakting layon badhe kaangkah            :
            Dinten             : Kamis Wage
            Suryo               : 21 Juni 2000
            Wanci              : 14.00 WIB
            Wonten           : Dalem Dukito Seyegan, Sleman
            Tumuju            : Sasonoloyo Ngino XII, Margoagung Seyegan Sleman
Mekaten wigatosaning pawartos lelayu ingkang kula aturaken wonten ngarso panjenengan sedaya,mugi saget andadosna ing pamriksa, awit saking kawigatosan panjenengan, kaluaraga ngaturaken agunging panuwun.
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Ingkang Nandang Dukito
1.      Rubiyanto/Titin Sumarni         (Putra/ Mantu)
2.      Ponirah/ Budiman                    (Putra/ Mantu)
3.      Tukinah/ Sugeng                      (Putra/ Mantu)

 Semoga bermanfaat, maaf kalu bahasanya atu penulisannya amburadul^^